Would Jerry PLEASE take a seat?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Unless you are living under a rock, you know that Barack Obama's former pastor Jeremiah Wright has been on a media blitz tour for the last few days. I was actually home yesterday and watched his entire speech and Q & A before the National Press Club. While some of his comments were insightful and even entertaining and on some level I respect his disregard for popular opinion, I really just want him to go sit down somewhere or go back to whatever country he was chillin' in when this story broke. Clearly Rev. Wright could give a rat's behind about Barack Obama and almost said as much. And his statement that he was defending the black church and defending his mother--hogwash. I daresay the right Reverend Wright was out seeking publicity for his new book and really basking in the limelight.

Now don't get me wrong, everyone has a right to free speech and one certainly has a right to defend one's honor. But now? In that manner? When we could actually have an African American president? I don't agree with political pundits much, but I do think the good Reverend threw Barack under the bus, and from the glee with which he held court before the press club, I think it was the Reverend Wright's ego and not necessarily God directing his actions.

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PCD (Pretty Circle Drawer) said...

dangit! i missed it...i'll have to track it down somewhere to view. sounds like a trainwreck!

TravelDiva said...

Girl, at the NAACP dinner he mocked JFK and Johnson. Yesterday he said Obama was a politician and that he spoke based on polls and electability and that he was not anyone's spiritual advisor. He was also praising Farrakhan. It was just disastrous and has been on EVERY news station as the top story.

I'm not saying he didn't have some valid points, but I just felt like it was selfish and motivated by his own interests.

Smarty P. Jones said...

Amen to that! I agree that he needs to sit down somewhere. I saw the speech and the Q&A on CNN yesterday and he was entertaining but I think it's something deeper there.
Honestly, I think he felt like Obama threw him under the bus and proved himself to be disloyal when he "distanced" himself for that. Politics is a very nasty war and there had to be some casualties. Unfortunately, their relationship has been one.
I think it sucks, but that is the nature of the business. I agree that a lot of what he's said has been taken out of context but he could have waited until all this was over to speak out. There's a time and place for everything. He picked the wrong place and definitely the wrong time.

TravelDiva said...

You are so right Smarty.

Villager said...

Barack is having a press conference right now. He finally throws Rev. Wright under the bus. Hopefully, it's not too late...

peace, Villager

TravelDiva said...


Pocahontaz said...

............AND A NAP....

TravelDiva said...


12kyle said...

I think he needs to fall back. While he is entitled to voice his opinion, he's fuggin it up for Barak. More importantly, Barak shouldn't feel compelled to open his mouth just b/c Wright did.

"I have no further comment about Rev. Wright."

That's all you gotta say, man.

Tee aka The Diva's Thoughts said...

This whole thing is really pissing me off. It is totally unfair for people to hold Barack accountable for what another man says. Barack has nothing to do with what this man says or does so why should he be held accountable or looked at as if he is to blame for what is being said by this fool.

It pisses me off. Rev. Wright is screwing this up for Barack and its unfair.

Phyllis Bourne said...

It's been a slow news cycle. Something big has to happen to knock Rev. Wright off the front pages. Right now, whatever he says or does will make the news.

Don said...

you just don't know how much this saddens my heart. it really makes me feel bad for those who can see the bigger picture with obama serving in office.

can't understand why reverend wright can't see the same picture.

TravelDiva said...

Don I am just outdone. This election is so personal for me. I've donated money to Obama and I have NEVER donated money to any particular candidate. But I believe in his candidacy and to see Jeremiah Wright do this--just incredibly disappointing.

12kyle said...

@ traveldiva
SOMEBODY has to be greasing his pockets!

TravelDiva said...

I know, my boyfriend suggested the Republicans. But I wouldn't put it past the Clintons--I mean it was a Clinton supporter at the NPC who invited him to speak. Hmmmm....


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