Tuesday, November 4, 2008

FINALLY! We've been talking about this election for months and months and months. In some ways, I cannot believe it is here. I got up early this morning to go and vote. I planned to go later in the day, but my excitement would not allow me to sleep. When I arrived at my polling place I could not believe the line. It was so long that I could not see the end of it when I drove up. As I walked and talked with other voters, it became clear that every single African American around me was excited, proud, emotional and enthusiastic. There was an air of camaraderie and a sense of history all around us. Everyone had cameras, and I took a picture of the line as I stood there. Ultimately, I waited for 3 hours. I was tired, but when I cast my ballot for the Obama-Biden ticket, a smile spread across my face and I honestly felt like I was casting a ballot for a family member or brother. I never thought the day would come when I could cast a ballot for an African American President. I'm so glad that I was wrong. This is a magnificent day for ALL Americans.
Wherever you are, please vote. And if you run into problems at the polls, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE.


Smarty P. Jones said...

That smile you had was for all of our ancestors before us who fought and died for that right to vote and now you can vote - for a black candidate.
;-), gone shed a tear, I did.

Tee aka The Diva's Thoughts said...

I felt the exact same way you did!!! There was no way I was going to be detered from voting today!

The energy and excitement is astounding.

Pretty.Hip said...

I have honestly never felt the way I feel today. Its something that I just can't explain. I'm 20 and I never thought that I would see this in my lifetime!

12kyle said...

I feel James Brown. LOL

I love to see lines like this!

TravelDiva said...

SJ - You are absolutely right!

DT, PH - It was AMAZING!

LOL Kyle. I'm glad the turnout was so crazy!!

AthenaBee said...

I have NEVER waited in line at my place before and it was out the door today. It was AWESOME!!!! Well, except for the guy telling me "Cover up the Obama shirt or die." Yeah, I'm not kidding.

Lily said...

OMG... I can't even say how I feel tonight. It's 2 AM and I'm still up, after hours of CRYING of joy at Obama winning and just sheer emotion. WhAT A FANTASTIC DAY For all of us!!!!! God is good!!! It's a new day in America.

Anonymous said...

Smarty Jones - did you forget that Barack Obama is half white. That means equal parts, 50/50. Why is he more black than white to you?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, grasp on to that 50% white so that you might sleep better at night.


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