Monday, February 4, 2008

THE VALENTINE'S DAY SWEEPSTAKES ENDS AT 11.59 PM ON SUPER TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH!!! GOOD LUCK!!! Your candidate may not win, but hey, at least you'll have a Valentine's Day Gift!!!!

Super Tuesday is almost here!!! It's the homestretch for both parties. Seems like McCain will be the winner in the Republican race, but who knows........... could be a "giants-like-superbowl-win" for Romney. Anything can happen!!! As for the Democrats, its anyone's guess at this point. Both Obama and Clinton are locked in a dead heat, according to most of the polls..................!!!! Last minute speeches, 22 states, last minute campaigning!!! Both parties are now at fever pitch frenzy. Who will go up against McCain if he wins the Republican nomination (assuming he wins)?

Assuming McCain wins, which Democrat contender is most likely to beat him in November? Are you surprised by the popularity of Mccain? I heard Ann Coulter say she'd vote for Clinton before voting for McCain. Does her vote even count? hehheeee......couldn't help it. Rush Limbaugh doesn't think he's conservative enough. Will Huckabee take votes from Romney? Exciting!!!!!!

Super Tuesday News coverage - excerpted from MSNBC

Buoyed by cheering crowds and bolstered by more than $1.3 million a day in TV ads, Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton raced through the final hours of a Super Tuesday campaign across 22 states. Mitt Romney made a late, possibly last appeal to conservatives to derail Republican front-runner John McCain on the busiest day in primary history.

"We're going to hand the liberals in our party a little surprise," boasted Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, predicting he would score an upset in delegate-rich California.

McCain projected confidence Monday, not only about wrapping up the nomination but about next November's general election as well. "I can lead this nation and motivate all Americans to serve a cause greater than their self-interest," he said while campaigning at a fire station in New Jersey.

Read more at MSNBC


Natasha Burns said...

This is so interesting and fascinating for me being in another country! Our systems are so different - here our parties vote for their own leader then we get to choose between the parties. I had heard of Super Tuesday but now I will watch with some more interest!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today and for your kind words!

KreativeMix said...

You're right Nataha!! This is fantastic, interesting, exciting and fun. So much history is being made this year!!!!

Knikki said...

Oh gosh.. Mccain is a deusch...


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