Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Yes kids, I'm off to Lisbon and Albufeira with my friend Lily on Thursday. Tomorrow is my last day at work, but I'm making this my last official post before my departure. I AM PUMPED! It's 5 star all the way. Although sadly I'm flying coach - I swear, my heart says fly first class but my wallet says--spend an extra $1500 or more on a seat? Veto.

We're staying at The Pestana Palace in Lisbon for 5 nights. There will be lots to see and do, and I've already scouted some clubs that play hip hop--one that's rumored to be owned by actor John Malkovich. How random is that?

Then we're flying to Albufeira for 4 nights, which is in southern Portugal, which kind of is a Portuguese Riviera. We're staying at the Sheraton Algarve which looks pretty cool. Albufeira seems laid back, naturally gorgeous and appears to have quite the nightlife. Good times.

Now, I don't know if anyone will post any new blogs on CITC in my absence. Grown Woman just had a little man, so I doubt she'll be blogging. TilShop hasn't blogged since 1864; and Sassy is in litigation h*ll. But I will return with a recap of my adventures when I get back. Happy 4th of July and Happy blogging!


Park Avenue said... 1

Have a great time in Portugal! Boa viagem!

Doudou said... 2

LOL! Obrigada!!

Smarty P. Jones said... 3

***falls out in front of the door crying and screaming***
I promise, I won't be any trouble. You'll hardly know I'm there.
***sniffle, sniffle***

TravelDiva said... 4

LMBAO Smarty. On a serious note--we should do a blogger vacay! LOL.

TravelDiva said... 5

PA the obrigada was from me.

Product Junkie Diva said... 6

One question...why are you not packing me in your suitcase???? Just MEAN..lol
Have a very safe flight. Take pictures and enjoy yourself. Your trip will be WONDERFUL.
Product Junkie Diva

Pocahontaz said... 7

I envy you...live it up girlfriend!

12kyle said... 8

if you take me with you i promise to bring you a peanut butter and jelly sammich!

WOW! Safe travels!

LMAO @ you gettin on the crew

TravelDiva said... 9


(I guess everyone does though.).

Kyle - Not a PB&J Sammich. HA! Yeah, I had to get 'em. LOL.

PCD (Pretty Circle Drawer) said... 10

OMG! youre gonna have soooooooooo much fun! can't wait to hear about your adventures...have a safe trip!

oh, and i'm glad you acknowledged TILshop cuz i used to click away looking and waiting for a post, only to get NATHAN!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!

Pretty.Hip said... 11

Can you say "JEALOUS" lol!

I hope you have an amazing time! (I'm sure you will!

TravelDiva said... 12

PCD - LOL. I will remember every fun detail!

PH - LMBAO! I ain't mad at you.

TravelDiva said... 13

Now Come On!!! A TravelDiva should be able to blog on location. Uggahh. I want the blow by blow while in country. No fair.

Okay. I'm done whining. Have a great trip and I want to hear all about it when you get back.

[***Fresh&Fab***] said... 14

girl u are just........travelling..have fun


Tee aka The Diva's Thoughts said... 15

Wow! I am so freaking jealous! Have the best time ever!

Eb the Celeb said... 16

have a lovely and safe trip!

take lots of pics and post them!

One Eighteen said... 17

Man i aint never even been out of the country, except to Mexico but i havent been there in about 5 years lol


Patti said... 18

If you are a fan - see Rickie Lee Jones on July 12th. She is playing at Casa Das Artes-
Villa Nova de Famalicao - and it is her only gig in Portugal. Then - after you see her - PLUUEASE share!

there are more deets on the calendar of cool on TangoDiva.com - but I am hoping you can find it just by googling the location. fingers crossed!

Nadja said... 19

Have an AWESOME time!

Torrance Stephens - All-Mi-T said... 20

be safe

Smarty P. Jones said... 21

***paging TravelDiva***
I know you're still living it up in Portugal, but want to make sure that you knew that while you were gone, the Wrong Rev. Jesse Jackson locked up Joker of the Month and possibly the year so there's no rush to create a post.
I hope you took lost of pictures because I'm sure we can all use a piece of paradise.
***Now back to your regularly scheduled comments already in progress***


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