The Boutique Mix Stella & Dot Jewelry Valentine's Day Sweepstakes - Enter to win the Stella & Dot Camille Vintage Heart Necklace

Friday, January 1, 2010

Valentine's day is a few weeks away and Stella & Dot has the perfect Valentine's day gift for you. Enter to win this stunning Stella & Dot Camille Vintage Necklace.

This sweepstakes is open to everyone 18 years or old in the United States. Sweepstakes starts on 1/1/10 and ends on 1/14/09 at midnight. Winner will be announced on 1/15. Unlimited entries. No purchase necessary to win.
If you'd prefer not to leave your email on this post,
send us an email at

Entry Instructions:

Visit and leave a comment on this post stating which Stella & Dot jewelry piece you'd like to get for Valentine's day. Leave your email, which will be used only for winner notification purposes. (1 entry)

Additional Optional entries:

Tweet the sweepstakes follow my tweets at BoutiqueMix (5 extra entries).

Post this sweepstakes to your blog and let me know (5 extra entries).

Good luck!!! Happy New Year!!

Build a fabulous and stylish jewelry collection at


Michaela said... 1

my favorite is the kelly cuff in ivory. love it

Aero said... 2

The josephine pearl lariat is very pretty.

Ricky said... 3

Excellent jewelry item. I really need to get started on that business plan. I"m too fabulous to work for someone else!!!
You should check this link and you get more information


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