Join Save the Ta-Tas® in the fight against breast cancer!
Ta-tas® donates 5% of all proceeds from the sale of this item to help fight the war against breast cancer.
In addition, Boutique Mix is a member of the Save the ta-tas "Donation Match Program," which means Boutique Mix will also match and contribute another 5% of proceeds from the sale of these items to the Save the Ta-tas Foundation.
With every $50,000 generated, The Save the Ta-tas Foundation is able to provide salary support for an independent cancer researcher for one full year.
While most companies who offer a charitable component agree to donate a small percentage of the proceeds, ta-tas Brand is unique in that it guarantees a percentage of no less than 25% of proceeds, or 5% of the gross sales.
Calclulating on the gross sales guarantees a donation regardless of whether the company is profitable or not. This is born out of the genuine philanthropist bent of owner/proprietor Julia Fikse and her strong desire to eradicate this disease.

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