Charity: Fashion Fights Cancer and Poverty

Do good while you shop with Boutique Mix

A significant portion of  Boutique Mix's net profits go to various charities.                   

1.      Kiva

10% of net profits go to Kiva, a non-profit organization that provides entrepreneurs in developing countries the "seed money" to start their own business ventures so that they can provide for their families.  Click here to visit  Boutique Mix's Kiva Page and see how your shopping dollars enrich the lives of entrepreneurs around the world.

2.      St. Jude's Children Hospital

5% of net profits go to Boutique Mix's  Pink  Lounge recipient, St. Jude's Children Hospital.  St. Jude's Children's Hospital is a pediatric treatment and research facility that provides treatment for children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases. Click here to visit our Pink Lounge
3.      Save the Ta-TasBoutique Mix is a member of the Save the ta-tas "Donation Match Program," which means that as part of the Boutique Mix Pink  Lounge  program, Boutique Mix will also match and contribute another 5% of proceeds from the sale of  Ta-Tas items to the Save the Ta-tas Foundation.

With every $50,000 generated, The Save the Ta-tas Foundation is able to provide salary support for an independent breast cancer researcher for one full year. While most companies who offer a charitable component agree to donate a small percentage of the proceeds, ta-tas Brand is unique in that it guarantees a percentage of no less than 25% of proceeds, or 5% of the gross sales.
4.      Plan USA

Over 5% of net profits go to  Plan USA.  Plan USA is a nonprofit organization  dedicated to helping children  in 48 developing countries.  Plan USA's work to promote child rights and lift millions of girls and boys out of poverty is based around eight core areas (Education, Water &   Sanitation, Protection, Economic Security, Health, Sexual Health, including HIV, Emergencies and Child Participation). 

5.      ChildFund International
5% of net profits go to  ChildFund International.  ChildFund International  spans 31 countries, assisting approximately 15.2 million children and their family members, regardless of race, creed or gender.

ChildFund International  focuses on working with children throughout their journey from birth to young adulthood, as well as with families, local organizations and communities globally to create the environments children need to thrive.

6.      Sierra Leone

5% of net profits go toward rebuilding Sierra Leone by sponsoring clothing/books/school supplies/toy drives for needy school children in Sierra Leone.  The goal of Boutique Mix is to encourage these children to believe in themselves, provide them the materials they need so they can dream big, achieve great things and rebuild their communities. 
Other ways to help:
Join the Boutique Mix Clean Water for Everyone Campaign.  Just $20 provides one person with safe water for 20 years. 
Questions or comments about 'doing good while you shop' with Boutique Mix? 



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