Is Tiger Woods' new Nike Ad brilliant or creepy? You decide

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tiger Woods can't get a break. The cheating talented golfer is set to hit the Masters this afternoon in Augusta, Ga, but what has people fuzzing is his new ad from loyal supporter, Nike. The ad features Tiger Woods' conscience dad and a sombre Tiger. Nike is smart!! They definitely can't say "Just Do It." He already did. OOoops. We love Tiger and can't wait to watch him play at the Masters. His personal life is just that - PERSONAL. And here at celeb fuzz, we don't judge or throw stones because we live in HUGE glass houses!!


Ansana said...

totally creepy. don't use dead people.

notaplayerjustcrushalot said...

brilliant. genius. love out of the box thinking. very original.


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