Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, the dreaded tagging. I've actually been hoping to fly under the rader but browngirlgumbo got to me .........................
Well, here we go. I'm supposed to report 7 random facts about myself and then tag others and report it on their blogs so that they know they've been tagged. The taggees then read my meme, post their tagged memes on their blogs and then, tag others.
Here are my 7 random tidbits
1. I love gummi bears and gummi worms. I eat a pack every weekday as part of my breakfast. On weekends, I get gummi withdrawals and snap at everyone in my path.
Well, here we go. I'm supposed to report 7 random facts about myself and then tag others and report it on their blogs so that they know they've been tagged. The taggees then read my meme, post their tagged memes on their blogs and then, tag others.
Here are my 7 random tidbits
1. I love gummi bears and gummi worms. I eat a pack every weekday as part of my breakfast. On weekends, I get gummi withdrawals and snap at everyone in my path.

2. I am addicted to british fashion and gossip magazines. I travel a lot for work and on fridays I buy all the gossip rags and read them at the airport. I leave them on the plane or on the train for the flight attendants or train conductors (are they called train conductors?).........kind of like their secret gossip santa :-).....or is that i'm just a slob and forget to pick up my trash a.k.a. magazines when i get off??.......hmmmm.

3. I'm secretly dating David Beckham.

4. I watch Murder She Wrote and Columbo reruns EVERY time they come on TV (when I'm home - everytime). If they come on at the same time on different channels, I switch between the two shows and I get pissed off if they don't alternate commercial breaks.

5. I want Oprah to adopt me (as a daughter or a pet), or in the alternative, make one of my crafts one of her favorite things!!!

6. I quit watching reality tv 2 years ago.
7. I have never tasted coffee.
I tag Tilshop, Grown Woman & Travel Diva from Chicas in the City, and Kels from My Nomadic Soul.
1. Are you ok hun?
2. Same here and not just brits gossip rags, american gossip rags too!
3. You wish!
4. Coolie!
5. She' prolly give you out to some one else, I bet she will...
6. Good for you! lol
7. Me too!
Nice meme and thanks for stopping by mine! Have a gr8 weekend!
I want Oprah to adopt me too. Gummi worms for breakfast ? That sounds good to me.
Damn you! Now I have to think of something witty! Joker! LOL
Oh! I love Columbo! He inspired me to stop ironing.
Or never start.
Something like that.
By the way, love the handmade pledge. I'm giving handmade.
Except it's handmade by me.
Hey there Sassy, thanks for your compliments (dyingaslowpainfuldeath blog). They reeeeeally made my week!
You're an amazing talent as well! It takes one to know one, eh? More power to you!
Your #5 is one of mine, too! LOL
nice piece...
nice blog...
Thanks for stopping by!
there are no gummy worms in tokyo! i miss them! i love the clear colored ones the best. which are your fav?
I dont want Oprah to adopt me, I want to be Oprah!!lol
Thanks for stopping by my page.
Maybe we'll be adopted siblings under Momma Oprah. I'm waiting for her to choose my book as one for her book club. Not holding the old breath. Lovin' Beckham too! Laffn at your tv sleuth fetish. I'm not a fan of java either. Not that you asked...hee
thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll be back to visit yours
Great 7 facts/tidbits!! We're just alike when it comes to gummi worms. I LOVE them!!! I wish I could shake my reality TV addiction; how did you do it?? :-)
I like Gummy Bears too. ;-}
Thanks for visiting my blog! If I ever create something - Oprah would be the first person I want to love it! :)
What kind of gummi bears are we talkin here? Haribo? Generic Brands? Or does it not matter?
fiquei feliz. por vc esta aqui. obrigado feliz natal e 2008 cheio paz e alegria babyy sapeca
My husband eats HARIBO only gummy bears in bed at night while he reads. I think the chewing sound is gross.
I share the same sentiment ast traveldiva!! LOL!! I want oprah to adopt me too.
I love the pineapple gummi bears. They rock. I've never tasted coffee either, coffee and cocoa puffs. :)
I love MEMEs so feel free to tag me anytime! Now I'm off to riffle through your archives. I like what I see so far and will probably end up adding you to my blogroll. I love your sense of humor for sure.
I LOVE gummy worms! And how have you never even TASTED coffee?? Wow...
Thank you for visiting our blog and taking the time to leave a comment. We wish you much success and best wishes on making Oprah's list of favorite things!
thanks for the words.
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog :)
Nice blog!
I'm secretly dating Eminem..and the Bon Jovi singer!
OK. I am a fan of your blog.
Love the Italian fashion.
Love what you did with your condo. Also travel(sometimes) for my work.
Thanks for commenting on my blog. thanks for the good tunes. I'll be back to visit.
hiya y'all!! thanks for stopping by to show much much luv!! Much appreciated!! I'm off to stop by all your fabulous blogs now :-) btw Tuface Ibidia sings AFrican Queen...... I need to fix my playlist so that it shows!! TTYL
oh, and regarding the gummies, i'll eat anything as long as they're soft. but monday, i'm going in search of some pineapple flavored gummies........ and for you folks at work who are trying to feed me coffee cake, i'm onto you........ i even smell the hotwater before i make my tea in the cafeteria.......... shoot!! Jokers!!
I'll pass on gummi worms for breakfast....but ohhhhhhhhh....those are quite some photos of beckman....wow....if you're secretly dating him...LOL>>>good for you....real good for you...
becks told ME i was his one and only....
Okay, now I'm craving gummy worms. I can't remember the last time that I had any.
OMG. I'm totally addicted to magazines too!
What can I say? Oprah is Queen!
Just wanted to thank you for your supportive comment on my blog, "pretty cool blog. its real helpful for deciphering these movies. Great job."
How did you find me?
LMAO!!! If i wasn't tied up with becks and my gummi worms right now, I"ll respond to all your individual comments, but since i am............ i'll just pop over to your blogs and leave my comments there. thanks for stopping by. hope you all are having ridiculously sassy weeks!!!
This is awesome. Well done!
ok, i should have seen this before tagging you. it's okay though. Yes, I loooooove gummy worms so I can understand wanting them for breakfast. And David Beckham is not that bad....lol
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