Monday, March 10, 2008

A year or so ago when I heard that Barack Obama was running for President, I was among the many naysayers who thought that the "Great Melting Pot" a.k.a. USA was not ready for a "Black President". I thought why would he even set himself up for failure? Doesn't he know the "real" America we live in? BUT, my opinion changed--like many--when he started racking up those ol' so important delegates. I then said, well, maybe I'm just a pessimist. Perhaps, America has changed. While I wasn't ready to state that prejudice and racism were dead, I began to feel more optimistic about race relations in our country. BUT, then it happened--the thing I feared most. America showed her "true colors". People--not just the ignorant masses or KKK members--but politicians, political pundits began questioning Obama's "qualifications". At first, I said well, perhaps this isn't racism because he is running for the highest most prestigious position in the country, so this is just a part of the process, right? Then, they started questioning his religion. Admittedly, the name "Barack Obama" is not the type of name that one would associate with Christianity like "David". However, he has been a member of a christian church for over twenty years and still they question his religion. Plus, as far as I'm concerned the individual, not his name, defines his religion. Even Mrs. Hillary"My husband loves black people"Clinton subtly suggested that Obama isn't a Christian. Next, people started using his entire name "Barack Hussein Obama" to scare people into believing that he was a member of some terrorist organization, Then, Republican Congressman, Steve King stated that "al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists will dance in the streets like they did on 9-11 if Barack Obama is elected President of the United States." BUT, now just when I thought that most of the BS has been said, a BLACK preacher from Harlem has hit an all-time low. He calls Obama "white trash", "pimp" and the "devil". He also claims that Obama isn't "black" because he has a "white mama" who he also refers to as "white trash". While I don't agree with what this preacher says, I strongly believe in the First Amendment so he has the "right" to state his beliefs. However, I don't agree with his misuse of his position as pastor to spew hate during one of his sermons.
He also stated that any black person who votes for Obama is crazy. Does this black preacher have the right to endorse the Clintons, of course. BUT, why does he have to perpetuate the stereotype of black people being like "crabs in a barrel"--always trying to pull each other down?
Why is Obama the devil or white trash just because this preacher supports the Clintons?
Why aren't the Clintons "denouncing and rejecting" this Joker's comments?

This just really pisses me off. When Farrakhan endorsed Obama everyone looked to Obama to "denounce and reject" his endorsement because of course if Obama is black he must to some extent agree with Farrakhan's ignorance. BUT, will anyone ask the Clintons to denounce and reject this idiot's comments? Of course, not. Hillary will say, "I never asked for his endorsement" and America will accept that.
Why won't they just say what they really want--don't vote for this n--- because they are lazy, stupid and incapable of running the country. At least, that statement isn't subject to varying interpretations. But, Americans are cowards. They can't say that. Instead, they use buzzwords like "he's not ready on day one", he needs more experience, etc.
well, I'm sick of this BS!! Ok, that was my rant of the day. Any thoughts?


TravelDiva said...

It's only going to get uglier. That Pastor Manning is not a man of God. Anyone talking about t*ts and whores and everything with such hatred from the pulpit is not OF God. He railed against black men, black women, mexicans, affirmative action and Obama--yet found greatness in the Clintons.

What a loser. The most disturbing thing was when he spoke with such hatred and said Obama was an emissary of the devil--people behind him were nodding and saying Amen. WHAT???????! Satan I rebuke you! LOL.

Grown Woman said...

LMBPAO--yeah, he's such a joker and the scariiest part is that he truly beleives in what he preaches.


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