Condi for VP?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Talks persist in the media that Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice may throw her hat in the ring to be John McCain's running mate. Boo! While I respect that she is the first African American female Secretary of State, I cannot support her political views. Talk about a "Yes Woman." I honestly don't know where Bush ends and she begins they are so attached at the hip. But I cannot envision McCain making that leap. Yes, it would add some visual "diversity" to the ticket, but at what cost? The war in Iraq is a disaster, there are daily attacks in the Green Zone, the economy is a hot mess, health care is too costly and gas prices are continuing to skyrocket. Why would McCain align himself with the current administration when he wants to promote the straight talk express and change? On second thought, I hope McCain selects Condi. That would help Barack Obama! Yeah! Go Condi! LOL.

By the way, don't the pictures look like Condi is about to open up a fresh can of whoop *ss? It almost makes me like her. HA!


Grown Woman said...

LMBPAO--and to think that Thandie Newton is playing her in the new Oliver Stone movie...yeah right

TravelDiva said...

That's a joke! They need someone harder.

Smarty P. Jones said...

ROTFLMBAO!!!! The many moods of Condi? I love it. Surprisingly, they all make her look like she needs a laxative.

PCD (Pretty Circle Drawer) said...

bonjour citc!

those pics are HIGH-LARIOUS!!!!! i'm going to fed-ex her some tequila shots, an oiled-up man of the evening, and some Hanes-Her-Way panties in the daring color of red. away with white, baby blue and canary yellow! pehaps we could widdle that frown into a straight face. baby steps, its all about baby steps!

TravelDiva said...

LMBAO Smarty!!!!!

Welcome back PCD!!!!! LOL! We've missed ya! How was the vacay?

PCD (Pretty Circle Drawer) said...

heeeeeeeeeey! it was great, baby especially enjoyed herself...but there's nothing like your own bed *wink* glad to be back

TravelDiva said...


Pocahontaz said...

Condi scares the bejeebus out of me, she is not a cute woman

Sassy said...



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