Joker of the WEEK Nominations

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Congrats to James Tubman on a fairly decisive Joker of the Week win for last week--showing that anybody can get it. Thanks to all who voted! Who will dethrone James this week? It's a tough list of contenders yet again.....

FLDS - For having a polygamist compound in Texas, forcing teens to marry adult men and have children, allowing men to have multiple "spiritual" wives, brainwashing inhabitants to think that the outside world is evil, and forcing those poor people to live and dress like pilgrims in 2008. It's a sick world we live in.

U.S. Federal Government - For rampant abuse of government issued credit cards to the tune of millions. Government workers spent $13,000 on a dinner which included 200 appetizers, internet dating websites, pornographic websites, Ipods, expensive clothing and (my personal favorite) lingerie that was apparently approved as part of jungle training in Ecuador. So my tax dollars are being used to purchase thongs in Ecuador? Lovely.

David Bellavia (McCain supporter) - For introducing John McCain by saying of Barack Obama, "Rest assured that men like Senator McCain will be the goal and the men that my two young boys will emulate and admire. You can have your Tiger Woods, we've got Senator McCain." Then going on to say McCain was the "real audacity of hope." McCain better hope that Obama isn't going to change the political game like Tiger changed golf! Loser!

John Ashcroft - For mistakenly calling Barack Obama "Osama" and then being booed loudly by his audience. Subconscious slip Johnny?

Naomi Campbell - For getting arrested and being banned from flying British Airways after her antics last week. NaNa better not act up on Air France! HA!
Alas, there was no room for me to add Ray J or Bobby Brown. (sigh)


[***Fresh&Fab***] said...

niaomi is a mess, i really cant elive it, shes benating a fool these days


TravelDiva said...

And some sedatives!

PCD (Pretty Circle Drawer) said...

i'm going to give it to naomi simply because she has been disciplined, embarrassed, sued, and the list goes on and she is STILL acting like a crazed spider monkey on speed! SIT DOWN!!! cuz pretty soon, you're gonna run into someone who SITS you down!

Smarty P. Jones said...

No worries, there's always room for those two fools next week. This is pretty stiff competition this week, though. I... can't... choose!

TravelDiva said...

LOL PCD--You're right. I forgot that joker already was sentenced to community service!

LMBAO Smarty. Yes, BB and Ray J are constant contenders! I settled on the polygamist compound--only because to warp the minds of all of those children is so sick to me. I saw an escapee from one of those compounds on Anderson Cooper and she was saying how they teach racism too. They tell them that black people used to be white and God turned them black because of their sin--so if you go near a black person the sin will rub off on you, and you'll turn black too. It's some crazy stuff!

Smarty P. Jones said...

I saw that too and it's funny, a friend and I were talking about some of them had probably never seen black people.
I saw someone interview a young mormon person a few years back that said that God made us black to punish us, or our ancestors, for sins that were committed generations ago. And she said it with such conviction.
I would love to be in a classroom with these kids when they find out that all of civilization started with their African ancestors. They'll probably pull a Bobby Bushea from "The Waterboy."
"Mama said crocodiles are so honoray because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush."

magnoliapeach said...

I'll pick Naomi based on her pulling the race card for acting a slamp fool on the plane!!!

TravelDiva said...

Smarty - LMBAO!!!!!! NOT BOBBY BUSHEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MP - LOL. She played the race card? I didn't know that.

L said...

I voted NAOMI!!!! LOL

By the way everyone, check out the upgraded website for my boutique, launched today!!

TravelDiva said...

LOL. Do you lily!

Don said...

Bellavia is only saying what I believe the majority of others feel anyways. I stopped letting that kinda talk affect me. I am just glad that he didn't come back with an apology a couple of days later. I want him to mean it. I can better respect someone who says what they mean. Cause I d*amn sho mean what I say about "others."

Pocahontaz said...

Naomi need to be sharing a cell with Remy and Foxxy..>For real!

12kyle said...

Naomi should win JUST because she SHOULD know betta! LOL

Elle said...

I voted for Naomi...crazy b*tch. The US Government is the Joker of the Century! Or maybe the millenium...

TravelDiva said...

Don you are probably right. But it still ticks me off.

Still Poca - LOL! She can be a bridesmaid in Remy's wedding!

12kyle - True dat.



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