McCain Supporter: Barack Is Just Tiger Woods

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I was watching MSNBC last night and saw a story that just made me shake my head. At a McCain event yesterday, an Iraq war veteran, David Bellavia, introduced John McCain by saying, "Rest assured that men like Senator McCain will be the goal and the men that my two young boys will emulate and admire. You can have your Tiger Woods, we've got Senator McCain." The crowd, with not a speck of diversity in sight, erupted with applause and cheers and McCain laughed with appreciation. Then the speaker went on to say that McCain was the "real audacity of hope."

The Clintons were the first to jump into the race baiting mud pile, I can only imagine what true colors will be shown during the general election. McCain and his racist supporters better hope Barack Obama is not like Tiger Woods since Woods changed the golf game and has been kicking *ss and taking names for a number of years. Bellavia, you are so in the running for Joker of the Week. Right along with John Ashcroft who called Obama "Osama."


TravelDiva said...

Ain't that some shiggidy?

Grown Woman said...

WTF???? this is ridic. tiger woods? these people are just going too far now.

Nadja said...

I hate to tell him, but being compared to Tiger Woods isn't exactly a slam. He is a charming, pleasant family man that single-handedly changed the game of golf and is well liked by almost everyone.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it sir!

TravelDiva said...

LOL Nadja!

Smarty P. Jones said...

I am officially done! If Barack were petty, he'd FedEx ol' McCain a bottle of Geritol and Red Bull. Maybe that'll keep his old ass awake.

TravelDiva said...


Pocahontaz said...

all I see is Tiger teeth when I look at him...that is all

Anonymous said...

Bellavia was not comparing Tiger to Obama. He was simply making the point his sons will grow up to admire real heroes like John McCain and not sports figures like Tiger Woods. He used Tiger as an example because that is the first name to pop into his head. Yes, he took a jab at Obama at the end of his speech with the "Audacity of Hope" comment, but this was not about race either. David has been through hell and back and does not deserve these attacks. Did you know he is nominated for the Medal of Honor? Read his amazing book "House to House: An Epic Memoir of War"....then tell me what kind of person he is.


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