Supermodel Gone Wild - AGAIN

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Apparently supermodel Naomi Campbell got into it with POLICE at an airport in the UK and spit on an officer. Disgusting. She is fierceness personified, but these diva antics are getting a bit ridic. But I'll hold my Joker of the Week nod until the full story unfolds...


Smarty P. Jones said...

Oh no, don't hold it, I think she qualifies. This chick has been in too much trouble to let this one slide. And now she's spitting on people instead of throwing things? Dispicable!!! Who does she think she is, Pumkin from the Flavor of Love?
Ugh ...

Pocahontaz said...

Im telling you...she just aint came across the right one yet...can't do that shyt in the hood..little nasty self!

Park Avenue said...

This animal belongs in a cage. It's time SOMEBODY gets serious about giving this girl some real punishment.

TravelDiva said...

SJ - LMBAO on Pumpkin! HAAAAA!

Still Poca--You ain't never lied!

Park Avenue - LOL. Maybe some real time will calm her the heck down.

Lily said...

LOL... well let's see - she doesn't have a popular talk show or any show for that matter... no fashion line of hers... NOTHING.. so what's left? Spitting on people and kicking like an animal to get in the press. Why else would they cover her?? Sad sad sad. She is an embarassment to all African models.


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