Monday, April 7, 2008

This past Friday, the Ladies of CITC threw me a baby shower and it was just lovely. Let me just say that I will not have to buy little Trey any clothes for the foreseeable future!! Thanks so much girls!! I love y'all!!



TravelDiva said...

But of course!!!!!!!

Nadja said...

Congrats!!! How excited are you?? When are you due?

Grown Woman said...

Thanks Nadja--I'm scheduled for a c-section on May 12!!

Nadja said...

I had a c-section with Ms. Bee after being in labor for 2 days. I'm looking forward to no surprises with the next one and just going straight to c-section.

Grown Woman said...

yeah that's what happened to me with my daughter--I had already had an epidural and everything was in labor for several hours and had to have an emergency c-section. so, this time i just opted for the c-section

Pocahontaz said...

Awwww.....I send my congrats!!

Girl If I was there I would've brought lots and lots of HUGGIES..LOL


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