Random Question of the Day

Friday, January 18, 2008

Should we hold preachers to a higher standard of conduct? Specifically, would you continue to attend a church where the preacher has unlimited extramarital affairs? Or, is his only job to "save people" and therefore, we should not care about what he does outside of the pulpit?
I have had this argument with several people. For me, I understand that preachers are human and yes, they are trying to get into heaven just like us. BUT, I cannot and will not sit under the leadership of a man who has numerous extramarital affairs, fails to repent and walks around like he's holier than thou. Are people willing to accept adultery because that's just what "men" do? Or, would they accept any "sin" committed by their preacher? For instance, if your pastor was a drug addict, would you still follow him? In no way am I suggesting that a Man of God cannot have flaws. However, I need a preacher who falls but then realizes his mistakes and picks himself up--not one who continues sinful behavior.
Like I told one of my friends, even if I am at the club on Saturday night, I don't want to see my spiritual leader there. I think we should hold them to a higher standard. If not, why should they be leaders?
What do you think?


TravelDiva said...

Absolutely. I'm not saying preachers can't sin. We're all human. But, if you are going to serve as spiritual leader, your affairs and your spirit need to be in order and you need to be an example to your congregation. As GW has said, I don't want to be at the club and look across the dance floor and seeing my preacher "pop, lock and drop it."

Grown Woman said...

LMBPAO on I don't want to be at the club and look across the dance floor and seeing my preacher "pop, lock and drop it."


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